In Android Studio, we have your Project File tree on the left, and your code workspace on the right. At the top, we have a toolbar, and highlighted in the screenshot below are the ones we'll be interacting with the most.
Open up /java/com/uci/android101/
Android apps are made up activities, which are actions that users can take. They're responsible for managing an application's visual interaction with its users. This is the basic unit of the Android app. Generally, we want to use just one activity per page.
Open up /res/layout/activity_sup.xml.
By default, this will show the Design view. At the bottom of the main window, you can switch between Design and Text. For our purposes, select Text. If the Preview tab is open, you can see this tab is useful for previewing your layouts. However, it does burn a lot of memory, so to reduce that, you can collapse this tab.
This is a resource file that allows us to define a set of UI objects (or widgets) and their positioning. The default layout contains two components: RelativeLayout and TextView. We'll be seeing shortly what these look like.
For widgets, keep in mind that they all require android:layout_width and android:layout_height. For layout. Layout widgets require android:orientation. These are fairly self explanatory, but we'll explain these widgets' properties a little later on.
Open up /manifests/AndroidManifest.xml.
Each Android app must have one AndroidManifest.xml named exactly that. It defines your package information and all of the components that are required to make this app, including activities, services, broadcast receivers, content providers, etc. It also manages securities and permissions.
In your AndroidManifext.xml, you can see that SupActivity is defined for you by default. It includes a couple of intent-filters to tell your app that you would like to open this activity when it starts up.
Note: if you are using your own device, you may need to enable USB debugging in your Developer Tools.
Your app should look like this: