
Android Developer Docs ➤

Android's Developer Docs are enormously useful. You'll find links to the developer docs sprinkled throughout our steps. In fact, in any case where didn't understand a concept about Android development, we found ourselves here. You'll find that the documentation here is very thorough and informative, sometimes too much so.

Stack Overflow ➤

As a developer, you will encounter this site a lot. Whether you're Googling concepts and find answers on Stack Overflow, or posting questions you have about anything programming related. Stack Overflow is a great resource to answer all your dumb questions so you don't look dumb in front of your friends.

Google ➤

As you grow as a developer, you'll find more and more that Google is your best friend. If there's anything we don't understand, we always turn to Google first. Not only will you find links to official documentation and related Stack Overflow questions, you'll also find various blogs that expound more on relevant topics or fiddles that have done exactly what you're trying to do.